Academic Standards and Policies
DKICP students are to adhere to the academic standards and policies regarding academic monitoring, academic standing, and academic probation. All students are given a copy of these standards and policies upon entry into the program.
On this page:
- Grade Scale
- Credits, GPA
- Grading Policy
- Grade Appeal Policy
- Drop and Withdrawal of Courses
- Requesting extra didactic electives
- Registering for Experiential Courses
- Advanced Standing
- Dean’s List
- Academic Standing, Probation and Dismissal
- Class Standing
- Leave of Absence and Readmission Policy
- Student Promotion and Graduation Committee (SPGC)
- Remediation Policy
- Extended Track Policy
- Time limit for program completion
- Exam Policy (updated July 2023)
- Academic Dishonesty
Grade Scale
The following includes all grades, grading options, numerical equivalents, and corresponding definitions that may be issued in courses taken at DKICP. Note that some courses may not use all of the grades listed below. See individual course syllabi for which grades will be used.
Grade | Value |
A | > 92.45 |
A- | 89.45 - 92.44 |
B+ | 86.45 - 89.44 |
B | 82.45 - 86.44 |
B- | 79.45 - 82.44 |
C+ | 76.45 - 79.44 |
C | 69.45 - 76.44 |
F | < 69.45 |
I | Incomplete |
P/NP | Pass/No Pass |
CR/NC | Credit/No Credit |
RD | Reported Grade Delay |
FC | Failed/Remediation Completed |
W | Withdrawal |
Credits, GPA
Course Credit - Course credits are generally determined according to the following formula: 1 credit is assigned to a course for each contact hour per week, 1 contact hour is equivalent to one formal lecture per week or 2-4 contact hours of other activities per week (e.g. workshop, laboratory, discussion).
An annual didactic grade point average will be used as the primary measure of academic performance. It is calculated from all didactic courses for a particular professional year. Grades earned for courses prior to matriculation in the professional program and grades earned for courses taken at another institution while enrolled in the professional program are not included in the calculation of this annual grade point average.
Grading Policy
Grades reported as “W” and “P” are recorded on a student's permanent record but are not used in the calculation of a student's grade point average.
Incomplete (I) grade - A grade of “I” may be assigned and is used only when special/extenuating circumstances exist (i.e., prolonged illness, family crisis, etc.), which prevent a student from completing the necessary course requirements on time in order to receive a grade. Under such circumstances, the student is responsible for providing the course coordinator with a written request notifying him/her of the circumstances, documenting the problem(s), and asking for authorization to extend the period allotted to complete the unfinished coursework. Unless otherwise specified by the course coordinator or rotation preceptor, a grade of “I” must be resolved within the timeframe specified in the UH Hilo Academic Calendar or the incomplete grade is automatically converted into a grade of “F” or “NP/NC,” which signifies failure or not passing the course. It is the responsibility of the student when receiving an incomplete grade to complete all of the course requirements within this period, unless otherwise specified.If a student receives an “F” grade in a course, that grade will be recorded on his/her transcript. This deficiency may be corrected as determined by the Student Promotion and Graduation Committee in consultation with the course coordinator. The decision to permit a student to remediate or retake the course rests with the Student Promotion and Graduation Committee (SPGC). Following either successful remediation or retake of the course, the permanent record of the student will be updated to indicate that the failing grade has been successfully corrected. See Remediation Policy and Extended Track Policy.
Grade Appeal Policy
A student who wishes to appeal a grade must make the appeal in writing to the Course Coordinator within 3 working days following the receipt of the grade, after which time the right to appeal is lost. The Course Coordinator must act upon the student’s appeal within 10 working days following receipt of the appeal. A narrative explaining the basis of the appeal must accompany the request. An appeal must be based on one of the following premises:
- Errors in course assessment tools.
- Mathematical error in calculating the grade.
- Documented bias.
If the appeal is denied, the student has the right to appeal the decision to the Course Coordinator’s immediate supervisor within 5 working days of receipt of the Course Coordinator’s denial, or if the Course Coordinator did not address the issue in the allotted time. The Course Coordinator’s supervisor (typically his or her Department Chair) should notify the student of his/her decision within 5 working days following receipt of the student’s re-appeal. The decision of the Course Coordinator’s supervisor is final and must occur prior to the start of the subsequent academic term.
Drop and Withdrawal of Courses
Non-electives: Students are required to enroll in all of the courses indicated in the Pharm.D. curriculum for their specific professional year; as students move through the Pharm.D. program as a cohort. If a student drops a core course at any time during the semester they will receive an “F” grade, or for the experiential courses they will receive a “NC.”
Students who choose to completely withdraw from the program without obtaining an approved “Leave of Absence” will receive “F” grades for all course work in progress.
Withdrawals will only be granted for approved “Leave of Absences.” In this case, the student will receive a “W” grade for all coursework in progress.Elective Courses: Students may drop an elective course up to twelve days after the First Day of Instruction and this course will not be recorded on their transcript. However, the student is required to add an approved elective in the same semester OR must obtain approval from the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to “add” an approved elective in another semester.
Failure to add an elective course will result in a grade of “F” or “NC” for the elective initially enrolled. After 12 days, all elective courses will be treated the same as core courses,” therefore, a drop after the 12th day of the semester will result in a grade of “F” or “NC.”
Requesting extra didactic electives
P2 and P3 Students requesting an additional elective credit beyond that which is specified must have a GPA of 3.0 or above in the program and the written approval of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Students may only request one additional elective credit hour per year. No more than 50% of didactic elective credit hours may be in research.
Registering for Experiential Courses
Course registration for summer and fourth year experiential rotations will be conducted by DKICP Academic and Student Affairs Office. It is the students’ responsibility to check their course schedule to confirm accuracy of registered experiential rotations. Students will not receive credit for experiential rotations if they are completed outside the official registration dates as reflected in the UH Banner system. Any changes to the student’s rotation schedule must be accurately reflected on the student’s official academic record in order to be in compliance with federal regulations and university legal policies. Please note: if you change your rotation dates in an agreement with your preceptor but do not have written authorization from the Director of Experiential Education and this change is not accurately reflected on your academic record, you will be required to retake the rotation. If an additional charge is incurred, it will be the student’s responsibility to cover this tuition expense.
Advanced Standing
All requests for advanced standing by newly admitted, transfer, readmitted, or enrolled students are processed on a course-by-course basis. Advanced standing will be considered for coursework taken in which a letter grade of “C” or better has been achieved. To request such consideration, a student should submit a letter of request to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in which the student lists a course(s) previously taken, which might be similar in content to a professional course(s) that he/she is scheduled to take. The student is advised to provide an official course description(s) and a syllabus (syllabi) of the course(s) previously taken, as well. All requests must be submitted prior to the start of the course being considered. The materials are forwarded to the Course Coordinators who provide a recommendation to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of DKICP. The Associate Dean will either grant or deny advanced standing.
Dean’s List
A Dean’s List recognition is provided to all students in the DKICP who achieved a GPA of 3.50 or better for each semester. This applies for full-time didactic coursework only.
Academic Standing, Probation and Dismissal
View the Academic Standing, Probation and Dismissal (PDF ) information.
Class Standing
To achieve the status of a second year student in the professional program (P-2), students must have successfully completed all requisite first-year courses and earned an annual didactic GPA of 2.0. To achieve the status of a third-year student in the professional program (P-3), students must have successfully completed all requisite P-2 courses, applicable introductory rotations, and earned an annual didactic GPA of 2.0. To achieve the status of a fourth-year student in the professional program (P-4), students must have successfully completed all requisite P-3 courses and rotations and earned an annual didactic and experiential GPA of 2.0.
Leave of Absence and Readmission Policy
View the Leave of Absence and Readmission Policy (PDF ).
Student Promotion and Graduation Committee (SPGC)
View the Student Promotion and Graduation Committee (SPGC) (PDF ) information.
Remediation Policy
View the Remediation Policy (PDF ).
Extended Track Policy
View the Extended Track Policy (PDF ).
Time limit for program completion
A student entering the Doctor of Pharmacy program is expected to successfully complete all course requirements for the degree within a 4-year period of time. Under circumstances involving a leave of absence, a student may be permitted an extension to complete these requirements. All forms of leave (see Leave of Absence Policy) may not exceed 24 months total with approval from the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. A student not completing Doctor of Pharmacy degree requirements within 6 years from his/her start date will be reviewed for possible dismissal by the SPGC.
Exam Policy (updated July 2023)
View the Exam Policy (PDF ).
Academic Dishonesty
View the Academic Dishonesty (PDF ) information.