Wong Smith presents “Western Legislative Impacts on Traditional Medical Practice”
March 2, 2015
The University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Faculty Congress and the College of Continuing Education and Community Service (CCECS) invite the public to a presentation by Helen Wong Smith, Department of Pharmacy Practice, on “Western Legislative Impacts on Traditional Medical Practice,” scheduled for Wednesday, March 18, 6:30-7:30 p.m., UCB Room 100.
The presentation discusses the demands for laws which addressed cultural medical practices such as opium, lāʻau lapaʻau, and lomilomi as well as federal recognition of aboriginal medical traditions.
“Hawaiʻi’s indigenous culture and ethnic diversity have contributed to unique laws that accommodate culturally-based medical practices,” Wong Smith said. “Coupled with catastrophic medical events such as epidemics and leprosy, Hawaiian medical practices and needs required laws to regulate these demands. As a result, legislation has responded to the distinctive traditions of our islands, both host and introduced.”
For disability accommodation, call 974-7664 (V) or 974-7002 (TTY) by March 8.
See more news from 2015.